Habits to Build On

It is easy to get distracted and thrown off course, especially on a weekend. After working all week, I try to cram a month’s worth of projects and fun into two days. Some weekends I’m successful, but most weekends I am not, leaving a list of things that need to get done the next week. The weekends are full of distractions. Unfortunately, many weekends it is my prayer and Bible reading that is the first to get pushed aside.

Distractions are a part of life. As I work on building a stronger foundation for my life, I have to remind myself that the point of this project is to build better habits. If I say “I’ll just read double tomorrow,” that is only developing the habit of putting things off, which, of course, is the opposite of the habit I am trying to create. Maybe my first habit is just to sit down in the morning and open my Bible. After that, add read a paragraph, and grow from there. I am not trying to read through the Bible in a year or become a Bible scholar overnight. I just want to develop the habit of reading the Bible every day. Keep life simple. Add one small step on top of the last small step, and soon you will have reached the big habit you want to create and you will be on your way to building a stronger foundation for your life.

That is onoe of the reasons I like to read Proverbs. It is a good place to start building a Bible reading habit. It is a simple read and full of great teaching. It starts off saying that it was written for “attaining wisdom and discipline.” The two biggest parts of building the foundation for our lives. Wisdom and discipline. I hope you are staying on track with reading one chapter of Proverbs every day, praying every day, and getting in some physical exercise every day.

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