Be Still

Today I want to focus more on spending time in prayer and listening to God. It seems like every time I start to focus on building my relationship with Christ and spending more time reading my Bible and praying; every time I start to focus on what I believe God is calling me to do, the distractions begin to grow. Sometimes it is health, sometimes it is finances, sometimes it is both, and a long list of other things that want to pull my attention away from Christ. It is hard to remain focused and not be discouraged. It is difficult to keep going and not stop and say “I’ll just have to do it later.” I want to take some extra time today to be in a quiet place and pray. If you are working on this study with your family or a friend, take some time today to pray with them. This is one of my biggest challenges. I enjoy reading and writing. I am very task-oriented and I love checking things off that to-do list, but it is harder to take time away from everything going on around me and pray. My personality wants to be busy all the time. I equate being still with being non-productive.

“Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

That is my goal for the day. To be still and know that he is God. It does not matter what is going on around you and in your life. The distractions come fast and Satan wants to pull your attention away from God, but the mission for the day is to be still and know that he is God. He is greater than anything going on in your life. He is greater than any struggle you are facing. He is God Almighty. The creator of all things and he knows what you are struggling with and he is greater than that struggle.

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