Change, Faith, and Life for the New Year

I have spent much of the last few weeks thinking about the whole concept of Six and a Half Days.  Where do I want to go with this site and what it means for me, personally.  I’m excited about the coming weeks and this new year as we will be making some changes and additions to the site that I hope you find enjoyable.  But the biggest change is going to be in me and my family.

It is easy to sit in the comfort of my living room or where ever I happen to be and write about living life every day.  Writing about church on Sunday and how we need to be living out our faith the other Six and a Half Days of the week.  It is a whole other thing to actually do it.  Our family does o.k.  We try to live out our faith as best we can.  In my time over the last few weeks, I’ve thought a lot about this.  It is not enough to just be good.  We are called to serve people.  I wrote about this awhile back, Good and Bad.

2018 was very much a transitional year for our family with the first half of the year working around my dad getting sick and eventually passing away.  I still have a bedroom and office full of our parents stuff (my wife’s parents are good, they just decided to sell the house and do the RV thing).  Taking care of my parents was a joy and a blessing for us.  As that phase of life came to an end, we enjoyed a time of rest and recovery, but now it is time to do the good we know we ought to do.  To live our life every day and not just write about it.

So, I look forward to sharing more with you in 2019 and I hope you continue to enjoy and share these posts with others as we make some changes and live our our faith every day of the week.  I look forward to sharing more faith, family, and fun with you this year.


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