Focus on Light

I enjoy photography. One of the biggest differences between a decent photo and a great photo is the composition of the image. What is your attention drawn to when you look at the image? What is the focal point? I have taken many generic, bland photographs of beautiful places that have no focal point. My attention is not drawn to anything, and the photo is not interesting. I have also taken many photos where my camera decided to focus on the wrong subject (yes.. it was the camera, not the operator, of course).

A camera captures images by capturing light. A good photographer learns to control the light coming into the camera. The quality of light will determine the quality of the photo. Our eyes control the quality of the light coming into our life. We control what we choose to focus on and how much of that we allow into our lives.

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!”
Matthew 6: 22-23

The first thing I think about when I read this is controlling the input I allow into my life. What movies am I watching? What am I watching on Netflix or my streaming service of choice? What am I looking at in my social media feeds or in my down time as I surf the Internet? Am I looking at things that are healthy and Godly, or am I looking at things that distract me from my relationship with God?

In the context of these verses, it seems that is only part of what Jesus is talking about. Maybe it is more than making sure I am not looking at the “ungodly” images. Maybe he is talking about being careful about what ads I am watching. The business of distraction is a multi-billion-dollar business. People get paid very well to capture our attention and hold it for as long as possible. Their goal is to make us think about their product or service more than anything else and to believe that we cannot live in any true dignity or success without their product. Distraction is big business.

Just prior to this verse, Jesus is teaching about storing up treasures in heaven. If our eyes are focused on earthly things and our desires are for the things of this world, then how can our lives be filled with light? It is a struggle. I have a list (yes… I really do have lists for everything. #spreadsheetsareawsome). I have a list of things that I want and places I’d like to go. It is not wrong to have goals and dreams and to work toward those goals. But where is my focus? If this list is distracting me from my time and relationship with God and my family, then maybe I need to look at that list and make some changes. I may even need to just delete the list. Yes, it is possible to delete spreadsheets. At least that’s what I’ve been told.

I don’t think Jesus is changing the subject here. He is continuing with his teaching about being careful which treasure we are seeking. Be careful about whose kingdom I am building. Everywhere I look, someone is trying to distract me from seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and they are very gifted and drawing me toward building my own kingdom and to “follow your heart”. The only heart I should be following is the heart of God. I want to change my focus and be careful about the quality of light I allow into my life. Focus my attention on God, the light of the world.

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and your whole body will be full of light.

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