Why I Write

Sometimes I sit down to write and I just don’t feel like writing.  I have lots of ideas.  I have a list of posts that will take me through at least another six months.  I just don’t feel like writing.  It is easier to say that I’ll just skip it and write next week.  My mind just isn’t into it right now.  But I stop and remind myself why I write.  Maybe you are curious about that too, so I thought I’d share.

First, I write because I like to write.  I always have, but have just not done anything with it.  Writing helps me organize my thoughts.  Sometimes as I am writing, I put my thoughts down and read through it and it helps me get a better grasp on my beliefs and ideas.  I have written a lot.  I think I get that from my dad.  When dad passed away in April, I inherited several boxes of writings, and my sisters have quite a bit, as well.  He was always reading and learning, studying a wide variety of topics, from the Hebrew language to magic and illusions.  And he wrote a lot as he was learning.

That brings me to the second reason I write.  I love to learn, just like my dad.  Writing regular posts forces me to read and learn so that I will have something worth writing about, at least that is the goal.  I write for me.  I write things that I am interested in and that I need to learn.  I figured if I need it, then perhaps someone else could use it and maybe it will help some.

Which brings me to the third reason I write.  I like to teach.  Writing gives me a way to teach and have the potential to get beyond the six people that read my posts now.  Maybe one day there will be ten people that find my posts useful and perhaps even amusing.

But, mostly I just like to write.  It is something I find enjoyable and in some ways relaxing.  It challenges me and helps me see life differently sometimes.  Creative writing is something I have always found challenging and, if you will endure with me, perhaps soon I will begin annoying you with an occasional attempt at a fictional story.  We will see.

But for now, thank you for reading.  I hope you will continue with me on this journey.  Be sure to subscribe and see what comes next.


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