Fear or Faith – What’s my motivation?

Fear. It is a strong motivator. It is a force so powerful it can bring the strongest to their knees. It is a personal, intimate emotion. It can be harnessed to influence millions. It can be a very real thing to one person and brushed off by another. Sometimes fear helps us think rational and keeps us from harm. Sometimes fear causes us to forget how to think for ourselves. It often prevents us from becoming the person we are truly capable of being. Fear is an interesting concept.

Too many times we operate from a position of fear, rather than a position of power. We allow other people to control what we think, how we act, and even the direction our lives will go. Fear comes in many shapes and sizes. Fear of failure. Fear of the unknown. Fear of humiliation. Sometimes it comes from within. Sometimes it is generated by other people. “What if they are right?” Often times fear comes from a lack of knowledge and misinformation. Sometimes it comes from a lack of trust, either in someone else, or in ourselves and our own abilities.

Generating fear is a very profitable business. One of the highest grossing genres of film is the horror movie. Films that thrive on the adrenaline and creating fear in people. The lines of people waiting for their turn at the haunted houses every October always amaze me. People enjoy being frightened. They will pay big money for the pleasure of someone else making them scream like a little girl and having nightmares for the next few weeks.

The news media understands that love of fear. They thrive and capitalize on that fear. Whether it is the latest shooting, super virus, foreign country crisis, or just the normal every day evil that lives around us, the media has mastered the art of generating just enough fear to keep you coming back for more. Many people believe the media (TV news, radio, newspapers, magazines, etc.) are in the business of reporting the news. The reality is they are in the business of selling advertising and making money. The more people they can get to watch or read their content, the higher price they can sell their advertising spots and the more money they make. It is huge business.

The Spanish American War was not really much of a war. In the 1890’s the newspaper mogul, William Hearst, discovered that when his papers ran stories about battle and conflict, he sold more papers. At one point, he was paying writers to create stories about events that did not actually happen so he could sell more papers. He was creating content that people wanted to buy. Through that, he also created fear in the American public and created a war that didn’t really exist. He understood the human fascination with fear.

As we go about our every day life, let us not live in fear. Let us not buy into the things that generate fear. Yes, there is a certain amount of healthy fear, but let us not live in an unnatural fear. Educate ourselves. Believe in ourselves and the power that God has given each of us. Let us move forward in life, following the dreams that God has given us, working to use the gifts that God has given each of us without fear of what others may think about us. Let us not seek out ways to create fear in ourselves. Let us seek out ways to serve others, to love people, and to seek first the kingdom of God.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4: 4-7

As we move on with our week and these next Six and a Half Days, let us seek God first and walk in the power of God rather than the fear of this world. Let us follow the path that God has set for us and live victoriously in the peace and joy that can only come through Jesus Christ.

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2 thoughts on “Fear or Faith – What’s my motivation?

  1. I was intrigued with your Hearst reference, so I looked it up, which led to reading about “yellow journalism” which has been in existence since forever. Solomon proved accurate once again: There’s nothing new under the sun.

    (Perhaps a good reason not to read any paper named The Sun. I know, I need to work on my humor.)

    1. The yellow journalism concept was interesting to me, too. One of the advantages of being married to a history teacher is learning about lots of things I didn’t learn in school. Thanks for reading and commenting.

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