How Big is Your World?

Over the last many years, I have read articles about how technology is “shrinking” our world. Communication across the globe is certainly much easier than ever before and as our world becomes increasingly mobile and transportation is faster and less expensive, travel is much more accessible. Businesses with offices in multiple countries function almost as if they were all in the same location. In many ways, technology is certainly making our world smaller.

But, how big is your world? Technology cannot replace real, in-person relationships. Social media friends and likes does not make for a big world. Again, how big is your world?

Each person has a different answer to this question. The simple answer? Your world is as big as the people you allow into your life. With digital friends, it is easy to count them as friends, yet keep them at a very safe distance and never really allow them to know you.

In Luke 10: 25-37, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. The story has the makings of a great joke. “A priest, a Rabi, and a Samaritan were walking down a road…” In the story, a man was beaten and robbed. The priest and the Levite walked past the man and refused to help. The Samaritan stopped and took care of the man. There’s a lot to the story, but there is one thing that caught my attention. Jesus did not ask “who was this man’s neighbor.” He asked “who was a neighbor to this man.” It is a subtle difference.

The question he is asking is “how big is your world?” Who are you going to allow into your life to serve?

I am a fairly quiet and private individual. I actually prefer a small world. Just me and my family and a couple of friends and I am just fine. Those are the people that make me feel good. But I am not here to be served, but to serve. What I find is that when I open up my world just a little, get out of my comfort zone, and serve others, even when it is inconvenient for me; that is when I am the happiest. It is hard for me. I really like to stay in my own little world.

I like to observe people. In all my observations, one thing stands out. The people that appear to be the happiest are the people that have opened themselves up and have a really big world. Those that keep their world as small as they possibly can appear to be the most miserable, complaining about almost everything… even being alone.

So… How big is your world? It is as big as the people you allow into your life. My challenge for you for the next Six and a Half Days is to get out of your comfort zone and get out of your house. Head out to the grocery store, Home Depot, Wal Mart, the mall, or even at the gas station. Say “Hi” to someone you don’t know. Meet someone new this week and make your world just a little bit bigger. This is a great time to start. During the Christmas season, most people are more open to starting a conversation and being nice. My wife and I have done this from time to time and we have met some great friends. Go make your world bigger.

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