The Greatest Strength of America

Happy Independence Day! July 4th. The day we celebrate our freedom, our Declaration of Independence as a nation. Over the last 245 years, this nation as changed and grown. We have grown from the small band of 13 colonies to one of the strongest nations in the world. We have overcome many adversities through wars and natural disasters. Our nation is not and has never been perfect, but it is great. We often take for granted the freedom that we enjoy as a nation.

I heard a quote a few years ago, and I do not remember the source. It was in one of the documentaries I was watching. “The greatest strength of America is it’s people.” They went on to talk about how Americans join together in times of trouble and put our differences aside. How we, as a nation, have overcome both the foreign adversities and the struggles within our own nation. As I listened to this, it sounded right. The people that make up the United States of America are great. The people are our greatest strength.

As I have thought about that more over the years since I heard that quote, I have begun to question that thinking. What makes these people “great”? Whey do we act the way we do? What is it about this nation that is different? As I have thought about it, observed people (as I love to do), and talked to others about this, I have come to a conclusion. Not only is that quote “the greatest strength of America is it’s people” not true, but that thought process is becoming the downfall of a great nation. That thinking is leading us into division and hostility within our own boarders. The greatest strength of our nation has been it’s people because it’s people drew their strength from God. The greatest strength of America has always been in God, it’s foundation on Biblical principles, and the freedom to worship God.

“Separation of church and state” was never intended to keep our spiritual beliefs out of the government, rather the government out of our churches. That phrase is not even in the Constitution, rather in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a Baptist minister assuring him that this new form of government in this new nation had no intentions of establishing a national church like they had in England. It was never intended to keep religion out of government. I have heard people say that they separate their “religions beliefs” from their “political beliefs” and the government officials should keep them separate. When I hear that, I begin to question the religious beliefs that you proclaim.

Our religious beliefs should be the foundation of everything we do. It should not be “one compartment” of our life. It should be the underlying foundation that drives everything that we do. The way we raise our children, the way we behave at work, the books we read and the entertainment we watch, and it should be the foundation of our political thinking. When we proclaim to be Christians, followers of Christ, is that only on Sunday mornings? What about the other Six and a half Days? What then? What does my life look like outside of church on Sunday? If I proclaim to be a follower of Jesus Christ, then my life should reflect that every day of the week and in every thing that I do. It is not just one of the aspects of my life. It is my life.

2 Corinthians 3:17 says “where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” True freedom comes from Christ. The freedom of our nation comes not only from Jesus Christ and his death on the cross so that we could be free from sins, but in following the Word of God and living that life every day. The people around us should see a difference in us. A peace and a joy because of Christ. A peace and a joy that can only come from Christ. As a Christian, I am far from perfect. I make mistakes and I get things wrong often. My wife and kids can attest to that. But I strive to change, grow, and improve.

The greatest strength of America has never been it’s people. The greatest strength of America has always been it’s foundation as a Christian nation. As one of the strongest nations in the world, we have begun to rely on our strength. As individuals, we have decided that we will rely on our own intelligence and education, our own strength to get us through. We have decided that we no longer need God and are beginning to turn our back on our creator and deny his existence, or relegate the one God and creator as just another one of many. We celebrate sin, but condemn those who follow Christ and speak out against evil. If this continues to be the direction of America, it will continue to be our downfall, rather than our strength. The greatest strength of America has always been our Christian foundation.


By the way…I make the wooden flag and the cross in the photo to sell. They are made from reclaimed and scrap wood that I gather and create art projects. Another fun hobby. It helps support my family and our goals and get the amazingly large pile of scrap wood I’ve collected out of my garage, which makes for a happier wife. More information on how to purchase them can be found on the sixandahalfdays facebook page. Maybe one day I will get around to adding a shopping page to this site, too.

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