A Challenging October: Faith, Family, and Fun

October brings about lots of changes. Cooler weather, changing colors in the trees, and pumpkin spice everything. October is a great month to think about change. We all have things in our lives that need to change. Maybe it is our health, our relationships with others, our attitudes, our finances, or any number of other possibilities. There are things in my life that I wish were better than they are. They aren’t necessarily bad, but they should be better. I set goals and get frustrated year after year when I discover that nothing has changed. It seems quite obvious, but often goes overlooked, but if you want some things to change, you have to change some things.

Through September, I wrote though the Book of Proverbs on Facebook. Daily posts of some of the things that caught my attention as I read through a chapter every day. I did this because it always helps me to get refocused on what is important, rather than what everyone around me says is important. That is one of the biggest distractions for me. I tend to find myself chasing the activities and events and schedules of things that other people say are important, rather than what is really important. The more I focus on these other things, the less time and energy I have for the important things.

October is a month of challenges for me. I need to make some changes, so now is a great time to start. I have set some specific goals and have written them down. I have set a list (I love lists… and Excel) with tasks that need to be completed every day. It is a month of personal challenges. There are a few key areas that I am not happy with. I keep doing the same things every day and expecting different results. If I want some things to change, i have to change some things.

First, I’m not happy with my health. It has been one year since my knee surgery. My recovery went very well and physical therapy was great. Since I “graduated” from PT, I have had a set back. I got home, set back in my chair and did very little since then. I pretend to be active, go for walks, and play some with the kids, but I am no where close to were I could or should be. So, with some guidance from some therapy and doctor friends, I am changing some things. There are several great “30 day Challenges” out there that are very good. Plank challenges, sit up challenges, and pretty much anything else you can think of. Find one that works for you and start today. it doesn’t have to be Oct 1st. Just start today on your 30 day challenge to better fitness.

There are other areas in my life that I am not satisfied with. I enjoy learning. I don’t mean the “hey Siri” or “Google that” kind of learning. I mean really reading and studying things and learning. Not a simple “fact finding mission”. It is something I said I would always do but have done very little of. Well, it is time. I like to be busy and be creative. I think with the whole Covid thing and my knee injury (I was on crutches for almost 12 weeks), I have spent so much time at home and watching TV and movies that it has become comfortable. If I want some things to change, I have to change some things.

I plan to share some of the activities and challenges with you here and on our social media pages. It is time for me to live life every day full of faith, family, and fun. Time for a change. Time for challenges.

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