Summer Time

I took much of the summer off from writing. It was a great summer filled with adventure, education, travel, and personal growth. I look forward to sharing with you as I get back to writing. As we bring summer to a close with what I hope will be the end of triple digit temperatures and still no rain in sight, it is time to get back into a routine and get back to work.

The highlight of the summer was, of course, our family trip to Malawi, Africa. We spent 10 days with some amazing people and loved every minute of it. I had planned to take some time to think and write while we were there, but we were much busier than I had anticipated, leaving around 6 a.m. most mornings and not finishing up until after 9 most evenings, tired from a busy day. It was a great trip and I look forward to sharing some of those adventures and experiences with you.

I did manage to find some family time outside of the trip this summer, but much of the summer was spent working at my day job. Lots of extra hours and weekend work this summer. While it does not look like this is coming to an end, it does look like it will be slowing down soon. The summer seemed to come and go before I even had a chance to realize it was here.

Despite the extra work, full schedules and packed days, I also managed to get a little bit of time for me to think and get refocused. It is amazing how empty I get when I am not disciplined enough to get regular input. When I am not reading or listening to material for my education or growth, it has a huge negative impact on my life. I am more tired. I am not as creative. I am not as fun. And I do not enjoy life as much. These last two weeks, I have been back to reading and listening to new books and speakers every day, as well as revisiting some books I have read before. The more input I get, the more energized and filled up I am. The more input I get, the more I have to give away, especially in regards to both physical and emotional energy.

Well, It is time to get back to writing. I have a lot that I am looking forward to sharing with you. God has been working in me and my family and, while I took the summer off from writing, it was a very busy summer of growth.

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