Find Your Lighthouse

This last week was a very busy and productive week around the house. We finally finished a couple of projects that have been on our list for a while. I had planned a couple of outings, one with family and one work-related. They were both canceled for various reasons, so I found myself with some unexpected free time. I spent one afternoon with my oldest son. We just drove around a bit and visited and made a stop at an old used book store. The afternoon was an inspiring outing. There is something about these old bookstores and spending time with my son that inspires me to create.

Our lives are a product of the input we allow into our lives. Some people inspire, some bring you down. Some environments are relaxing, some are energizing. Sometimes we place ourselves in an environment that brings us closer to God. Sometimes our choices distract from God. We all need to find our lighthouse, that beacon in the darkness that will always guide us in the right direction and warn us of the dangers that await. Whether it is a person or a location, or both. Find your lighthouse.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

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