Spring Cleaning

Spring always seems to be a good time to do some cleaning and decluttering. Maybe it’s the warmer weather, longer daylight, or the fact that everything around is becoming more beautiful as the flowers bloom and everything starts turning green again. I don’t know what it is, but spring is a good time to clean out a bit and start fresh.

I’ve been doing some cleaning out in my garage and around the house. We clean out fairly regularly and make frequent trips to the local thrift shop to donate some of the stuff. But there are always things that I just want to hang on to. “I’m going to use that one day.” I haven’t needed it for five years, but one day soon, I’m going to need that. I think much of the stuff I have been hanging onto in the garage can all be replaced for around $100 total. But I still hang onto it. When I do finally need it (and I know one day I really will), I won’t have to go to the store. I can just walk out to the garage and spend half the day looking for it and then finally make the 10-minute trip to the store to buy it because I can’t find it.

How much of your life is like that? Not just the clutter in the house… and don’t even get me started on the digital clutter on our phones and hard drives… but the mental and emotional clutter in our lives. My to-do list and list of unfinished projects is extremely long. As I look through the list, each of these items is important, and sometimes hard to decide which is the most important to tackle next. So I jump from project to project and never seem to get anything finished. So it’s time for a little spring cleaning in my life. Some time to refocus and remember what is important.

Next week, I will be doing a 5 day fast and will be spending some extra time in prayer and Bible reading. Some time to reflect and some quiet time to listen to God. I would love for you to join me on this week and spend some time fasting and doing some spring cleaning of your own. I’ll put out more details in a couple of days and we will begin our time of fasting Sunday night.

Please pray about joining me in this and be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out.

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