Be Prepared

I am excited to see what God is doing this week. If you are joining me in the fast this week, the hardest day is behind you. Even though the hardest day is behind you, the week ahead will be full of doubt and distractions. The best way to handle these is to keep your focus on Jesus and to be prepared, knowing that the distractions are coming. I don’t know about your environment, but where I work, it seems there is chocolate around every corner. I love chocolate and knowing where everyone keeps their stash makes it harder. As I walk past the cafeteria, the smell of barbeque fills the hall and calls me into the evil lair.

Temptation is all around. Whether it is to indulge in the chocolate or barbeque, or maybe a little of both; or it is that hard day at work and feeling tired from not eating and you just want to sit and watch TV tonight, Satan wants to pull you in and create that feeling of guilt and failure. But God tells you that you are valuable. God tells you that you can do it and he longs to spend that extra time with you today.

As Jesus drew nearer to the day, He continued to teach his disciples. In Matthew 25: 1-13, he tells the parable of the Ten Virgins. In verse 13, Jesus says “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.” In the words of the Lion King “Be prepared!” I know the parable is referring to the Lord’s return, but it is also a reminder to be prepared to stand firm in your faith. Temptation is lurking around every corner, and it is easy to let your guard down. “It’s only this one time. It isn’t a big deal. I’ll make up for it later.” “I’m just going to watch one 30-minute show. It will be fine.” “It’s just one ‘bite-size’ candy bar. It’s hardly even a real candy bar.” “Donut holes don’t really count as food.” There are many ways Satan tries to get his foot into your life and make you feel like a failure. When we are prepared, we get invited into the celebration with the bridegroom.

Today’s Readings:

Mathew 25: 1-30

Psalm 27

Isaiah 49: 1-7

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