Stay Salty

It sometimes makes me a little uneasy to find out that someone has been watching me. Not in a creepy, stalker kind of way, but in more of a mentor or role model kind of way. As adults, kids are watching everything we do. As a Christian, the unchurched are watching what we do. They want to know why they should follow this Jesus we proclaim. Is my life any different than those who don’t go to church? Some are genuinely seeking and want to know while others are just looking for an excuse to continue down their path of unbelief.

Following God is not a simple, single decision where we say, “From now on, I am going to live the Christian life.” Following God is a series of small decisions that we make several times an hour, the sum of which makes up the display of our faith. Our lives are built on one small decision at a time. For every big decision we make, it takes many small decisions to support that big decision. We set our example for God one small decision at a time. Every action we take and every word that we speak, we have an opportunity to speak life into those who are observing and share the good news of Jesus with someone.

If we are not careful with our words and actions, we can also use our actions and words to tear people down and destroy our witness for Christ. There have been several times that my weakness has led to a poor example and a poor witness for Christ. One simple mistake where I chose to put my wants or my goals before other people. A simple mistake where I said something that was not from God that caused someone else to hurt. I wish I could take back those words and those actions, but I cannot. Once they are out, there is no taking it back. Sometimes these words and actions cause others to question our faith. “If that is being a Christian, then I don’t want any part of that.” Once those words and actions are out there, we begin to lose our effectiveness in reaching the unchurched. In Matthew 5: 13, Jesus says,

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.

I’ve heard many teachings on this verse with many varied interpretations. But as I was writing this study the thought of our Christian life came to mind. Once we lose our saltiness, how can we be effective? When we call ourselves Christians and continue to live like the world, we lose our influence for Christ. When we use the same language, watch those bad movies, and live our lives outside of the teachings of Jesus while we continue to call ourselves Christians, not only does it impact how people see us, but it impacts how people view Christ.

How do we stay salty? Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. If we have lost our “saltiness”, how can we be made salty again? If we have hurt or offended someone, go to that person and seek their forgiveness. If we have lived apart from God’s teachings, make some changes and start following Christ. Maybe it is one big change, or maybe it is a gradual change, one small decision at a time. We all make mistakes. We all find ourselves from time to time not following Christ’s teaching. But that is why Jesus came, so that in our sinfulness, we would have life.

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