Family Time

I always look forward to spending time with my family. Sometimes it can be frustrating and annoying, but that is just part of being a dad. We have fun together and they can almost always find a way to make me laugh. Sometimes they need a little course correction and sometimes they remind me when I am getting off course. We have fun together, laugh together, cry together, and we are there to support each other in the good and the rough times.

I sometimes wonder if God feels like he has that kind of relationship with me. Is my prayer time a time when I am just talking to God and listening to him? Is my prayer time simply a quick memorized prayer? Is my prayer time limited to only praying at mealtime? Is my prayer time an occasional want list for God? “God I need this and can you do this for me?” How is my prayer life?

Of the three things I am focused on through the 90-day challenge, this is the area that I struggle with the most. I have been disciplined to exercise almost every day (I do have a few planned recovery days). I read the Bible and think about what I read almost every day. But my prayer time has not been what I had wanted it to be. As I approach the 60-day mark on my 90-day challenge, the habit of prayer needs to be my focus.

God wants a relationship with us. He desires to have that family time, just like I do with my family. As a father, there are times when I feel like my sole purpose is to make money so everyone else can have stuff. I am their personal vending machine. I wonder if that is how God feels when we are constantly asking for stuff or for him to fix the messes we have gotten ourselves into. He knows our needs better than we do. There are times when my kids want to spend time with me and just hang out and talk. Those are the times that I love the most. Those are the times that I can’t get enough of. I wonder if that is what God wants from us, to just hang out and talk sometimes? He just wants a little family time.

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