Follow the Leader

Last night just seemed like a good night for a movie. We did some much needed yard work in the early evening. It was a debate between getting the work done in the heat or waiting until it cooled off a bit and the mosquitos came out. We opted for the heat. After finishing that project, it was game and movie time.

We watched “Boys in the Boat” last night. It was a good movie. It reminded me that all success comes from hard work and the value of working with a team and a coach. As the rowing team got stronger and faster, they were still not meeting their potential. They were following the wrong leader.

To be successful, an 8-man crew must work hard individually and be in top physical condition, but they must also work together as a team. To stay together and be the best they can be as a team, an 8-man boat has 8 rowers and a coxswain. The coxswain is the one at the back of the boat that steers the boat, calls the race plan, and motivates the rowers. If the rowers are working as individuals and not following the coxswain, there is no chance of success.

In “Boys in the Boat”, the team was working hard and making great headway, but they were not together. The coach changed out the coxswain, and they began to work as a team. They did not have the right leader to keep them together. They have to have complete trust in the coxswain. He is the one who is looking forward and sees the path ahead. He is the one who knows what the team is capable of. He is the one who knows what must be done to win a race.

All success takes hard work, but in the end, if we are not following the proper coxswain, our hard work will lead to failure. Who are you listening to? Who are you following?

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.
Proverbs 14:23

In his heart man plans his course, but the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

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