The Only Constant is Change

Very rarely do my days go according to my plan. Somedays I am not sure why I even bother trying to plan anything. I will make my list with my schedule and tasks to get accomplished for the day. Some days it is just simply a single goal that I want to accomplish for that day. Most of the time, the day does not go according to plan and I only get part of the list completed and some days I don’t even get started on the list.

I’ve heard the saying that, “The only constant in life is change.” Life happens and multiple times a day we have to decide to follow our plan or take the detour in front of us. Most of my best memories and growing experiences have happened on those detours. Sometimes it is a detour caused by a mistake or something that did not work out like I had planned. Sometimes it is just a detour that had nothing to do with me other than the decision that this new path looked like more fun or a better opportunity.

My vision for my life and for my day is limited by what I know. The best way to expand my vision and my knowledge base is to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. I know the direction that I want to go, but it is solely based on my own knowledge and experience. My perspective of life drives every decision I make. Sometimes, and probably most of the time, I need to slow down and take the time to explore a different perspective. Maybe I am being too hard on myself and I need to let go of the self-doubt and self-criticism. Maybe I am a little over-confident in my abilities and talents and need to take a step back into reality, slow down, and improve my skills and knowledge, or maybe just turn that project over to someone more experienced. Maybe I just need to make a slight adjustment or maybe I had it right the first time and nothing needs to change.

The way to get through life successfully is not to avoid change, but to embrace change. It is easy to get stuck in a routine. Routine is good, but there are times we need to change the routine. I look forward to change. I do not like the same thing over and over. The same routine all the time gets to be boring. I am constantly examining my daily routine to see what I can do better. I like to try new things. There are days, though, that I do not want anything to change and I like my little comfort zone. Those are good days, too.

Life is full of change. We can choose to fight it or we can embrace it. I can sit and complain about it or I can do something about it. It is easy to sit and complain and blame everyone else for my lack of success. I choose for every day to be a new adventure. Life is full of it’s little (and big) challenges. It is o.k. to change. It is o.k. when life does not work out like I had planned. There is always an opportunity to learn, grow, and make life a little better.

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.
Proverbs 16: 9

I hope you have a good week. What new adventure is in store for you?

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