The last couple of weeks have been very busy weeks for me. Not only did it finally get cold here, but we had a good bit of snow. Having grown up in Kansas, 4-6 inches of snow is not very much, especially when it gets above freezing temps every day. But, here in the south, this was the most snow we have had since the early 1970’s. For those of us working in healthcare, this meant a few long days and sleeping at the hospital for a couple of nights. Add to that the beginning of baseball season for my son and some other projects I am working on and it has been a busy time. At times, I am not terribly sure what day of the week it is.
Through all this, I have gotten off my schedule and am very behind on my “to-do” list. It seems for every item I take off that list, two more get added. There seems to be a line of people waiting to add more to my list. Things break and need to be fixed. We have lived in our house for 15 years, and some parts of the house need updating and general maintenance. Some items on my project list have been on that list for several years, but they keep getting delayed due to time, money, or both. Some of these projects I have started, but distractions have come along, and I forget about them. Some days I wonder what it would be like to live in a distraction free world. I could start a project and see it through to completion with nothing else on my calendar or budget to take time and money away from this project. To be able to focus completely on that one thing.
I have heard it said that the number one thief of joy in our lives is distraction. This is a tool that Satan has always used to keep us from seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. Distractions come in many forms. It seems right now that Satan has upped his game. There seem to be more distractions than ever before. Social media has the potential to be a great tool, but it has become a huge distraction. It is so tempting to grab my phone and check my social media of choice multiple times a day. Everyone has their own opinion on the latest events, politics, people, and even what it means to be a Christian. As we read specific posts, social media algorithms drive more of the same content to our phones, and we read more and more of the same content and begin to get distracted from the truth.
I have read and been involved in many discussions lately regarding things going on in our government and events of the day. Everyone approaches these topics from their perspective based on their personal experiences and knowledge base. Instead of seeking an understanding of someone else’s point of view, we come out fighting and attacking those who have a different viewpoint. The thought process of “if you don’t agree with me, then you must hate me” is becoming increasingly prominent, even among believers in Christ. Satan is attempting to divide the kingdom of God.
Jesus says in Mark 3:24 and Matthew 12:25 that “a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.” When we allow our political viewpoints and our own limited understanding of the ways of this world to create a division between us to the point that we cannot be friends or have a civil conversation, Satan wins. When we begin posting or verbally attacking others because of a political viewpoint that we think is a spiritual foundational issue, Satan wins. When we are so set on our way of thinking that we choose not to listen to any other opinion, Satan wins.
Growing up, it was common to have times of debate in the church. Church leaders of differing opinions came together to present their understanding of a topic and discuss their points of view. After the debate, people from both sides would head out to Dairy Queen or the local food establishment of choice and laugh and talk about family and other things. The differences in opinion did not cause us to “unfriend” anyone. It did not drive us further apart. We did not hate the other person. In fact, it generally strengthened the relationships and helped us better understand each other. Occasionally, it would even cause a change of opinion. It was always meant for education and to unite both viewpoints. It was never intended to prove our opinion was right and tear down those who disagreed with us.
A kingdom divided against itself will not stand. As Christians take to social media to air their points of view on the latest events or our own understanding of the Bible and what we believe is right, let’s approach it with the mindset of the debates of the past. Differing opinions and these discussions should be meant to build up the kingdom of God and bring unity. Differing opinions are valuable. Hopefully, they bring both sides closer to the truth. Hopefully, the discussion will lead to stronger relationships and unity rather than a divided kingdom. And maybe, once in a while, I may actually be right. It’s a long shot, but anything is possible.