America and the Secret to Happiness

I don’t spend a lot of time on social media and I don’t watch the news on TV. The more I read and watch, the more I loose faith in people.  The politics in America is out of control.  The anger and division that has been created by both sides is unreal.  News media, social media, and “water cooler” discussions have become heated and almost violent (and in some cases actual violence).  What are we doing?  Have we completely lost our minds?

I believe that politics is important and that we should be involved, at the minimum as voters and to let our representatives know what we think.  Our country was founded on the principal of being a “government of the people”. We are supposed to be involved.  But, as I observe the continuing destruction of America caused by our current political climate, I have to wonder what we are doing.  Are we even asking the right questions?

I see post after post and report after report outright attacking those with differing opinions.  I see articles and posts shared and reposted that completely tear down another person, often a political or public figure.  Did we even take the time to find out if it is true?  Even if it is true, does it really matter and does it need to be shared?  We teach our kids not to gossip, but I guess social media doesn’t count.  After all, it isn’t real (yes, I’ve actually heard that argument.)

What would America look like if we decided to get back to our Godly heritage.  What would America look like if we spent as much time…

  • Building people up and encouraging others as we did tearing others down.
  • Reading the Bible as we did reading social media
  • Talking to God as we did talking about other people
  • Speaking positive, encouraging words as we did complaining and gossiping

We often get so focused on one thing that we fail to step back and see we are not even headed in the right direction.

Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again:  Rejoice!
Let your gentleness be evident to all.
The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your
requests to God.
And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 4-7

The secret to happiness.  The secret to returning to a peaceful nation.  It is not our human strength and intellect.  It is our relationship with God.

Comment below and share your thoughts.  Be sure to share and subscribe for some upcoming posts… more from the “fun” category.

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5 thoughts on “America and the Secret to Happiness

  1. Good thoughts. And yes, Wanda, He was and is brilliant! 😊. Some of His words, if followed, would make a big difference in our nation. To wit, “Treat others the way you yourself want to be treated.” “Love your enemies.” And way back before He became flesh He said, “Do not lie.” Obedience to those three commands by themselves would cure 99% of the problems in our country.

    1. Thanks for the comments. I teach my kids “the three things”. Love God. Obey your parents. Be nice to people (treat others the way you want to be treated). It really is that simple.

      1. I think these are some of the “deep things of God” that Paul writes to Timothy about. They are not complex, complicated ecclesial philosophies. They are as you said, ‘simple.’ But they are not necessarily ‘easy.’ Loving my enemy is not so complex a concept that I cannot understand it. But it most certainly is NOT easy.
        What a blessing for me, as a grandparent, to know my grandkids are being taught in His ways! Thank you, Son.

  2. ” Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” I think of that quote many times when I look into the world of politics. Jesus turned a political question into a spiritual lesson. Wasn’t he brilliant?!!


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