Time Management and Kids

I love weekends!  I guess that probably isn’t really a surprise to anyone.  I love getting to spend time with my family, play games and get out and do things outside of my normal routine.  But sometimes the weekends are so full it is tough getting everything done.   As the kids get older and they become more involved in activities, it gets harder.

Having four active kids can be a challenge.  I would love it if even just two of my kids would like the same thing.  That would make life much easier.  Four kids in four different activities in four different places at four different times is though but doable.  When they are all at the same time… that becomes a challenge.  But we still find a way to make it work.  Unfortunately, I have not yet found a way to be in two places at the same time.  That would also be very helpful in getting the chores done around the house, too.

I have talked to parents with three or four kids that have all of their kids in the same activity.  They all play soccer, or they all swim, or they all play baseball.  It doesn’t matter what the kid likes to do.  One mother said “this is where we are with our oldest, so this is what the others are going to do.”  Another dad said “we have always been a track family, so this is what my kids are going to do. It’s what we do.”  These may be a bit extreme, but these are things I have heard as their kid is running past me crying saying “I hate this sport.”

I watch a lot of different kids activities.  Pretty much every weekend I am somewhere watching at least one kid do something.  As I’ve said before, I love to sit back and observe people.  I’m a people watcher.  It’s fun and I enjoy it, and as a bonus, I can usually walk away with at least one idea for a blog post.  I often wonder who really wanted to play this sport.  Is it the kid or the parent?  But what I have never understood is making a kid play a particular sport because it is easier for mom or dad.

I get it.  It is very difficult and very expensive to have four kids with four very different interests.  My wife and I have given up a lot of things we would like to have or do so that our kids can participate in their chosen activity.  I am glad to do that and I’m thankful that it is even an option of us.  Each kid is different.  They have different interests, skill sets and personalities.  God created each of us unique.  He gives each of us a different dream or passion.  He gives each of us a different skill set.  My job as a parent is not to mold my kids into something I want them to become because of my interests or convenience.  My job as a parent is to mold my kids into what God has called them to do.  I have kids that are good with music, but have absolutely no interest in pursuing anything with music.  I wish they would, because I love music.  But that is not what they want to do.  That is not what they believe God is calling them to do.  They have other interests and goals.

It is hard, sometimes, as a parent to know where that line is between guiding my kids and pushing them in a direction they don’t want to go.  I know I have gotten this wrong a few times and I’m sure I will get it wrong again.  But, as hard as it is some days, I have to let my kids be who God has created them to be.  Even if it means figuring out how to be four different places at the same time.

We have different gifts
according to the grace given
each of us.
Romans 12:6

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