Faith, Family, Fun – Three Day Break

Yesterday we all headed up to the Texas Renaissance Festival for a day of fun in this wonderfully cool 90 degree, 98% humidity November day.  A step back in time to the Renaissance period with Kings and Queens, knights, and lords.  Nothing says “Renaissance period” like gnawing on a fried turkey leg.

I love spending time with the family and watching them enjoy new experiences.  But 90 degrees in November?  It was not nearly as much fun as years past.  It was school days at the festival.  Every year they open up the festival for a couple of days in the middle of the week for schools and field trips.  We drive a full size van that is great for hauling family, friends, and lots of stuff.  We were directed away from the regular parking and right up front where all the day care vans were parked.  A nice short walk to the festival.

After a few short hours, it was becoming apparent that we were all ready to go home.  Did I mention that it was 90 degrees?  After the jousting tournament, we headed home for a bit of rest before heading back out to a volleyball game.  Taking time out for family is very important.  Building relationships and creating memories with my family is one of the most important things that I can do as a dad.  It is not all the other things that I think are important and “have to get done” (I’m a bit of a work-a-holic, if you didn’t know).  I often have to make a conscious decision to stop work and have fun.  Relationships are vital.

Another thing that is very important is filling myself up.  No, I’m not talking about that delicious turkey leg and sausage on a stick.  I’m not even talking about the giant, overpriced bag of kettle corn or the funnel cake.  I am talking about mental and emotional re-filling.  Today, I’m taking a second day off work for me.  I’m getting away by myself.  And by away, I mean down the street to the library, maybe a coffee shop, and a few other quietish places.  I’m spending some time thinking, reading, and praying.  Life gets so hectic sometimes that it is often hard to find time to think.  It is definitely hard to find a quiet place.  But it is hard to give of ourselves as a husband, dad, friend, or in any other role if we are empty.  It is vital that we take time to get away and think and find something that fills us up.

I love live music.  Tomorrow is a third day off for me and I get to go work with a couple of bands that have been playing and touring about as long as I’ve been alive.  I love working with these bands and knowing that I am helping them bring joy to many others who love their music.  While it is work and I do get paid for it, I do it because it is fun.  Settling into a good mix (or 8 or 10 mixes since I generally mix monitors for the band) is a great feeling.  And once we get through sound check, the rest of the night is minor adjustments and keeping the performers happy.  It is easy for me to focus on what my kids want to do and I sometimes forget to take time to go do things that I want to do.  That is also an important part of being filled up.

Faith, Family, and Fun.  That is the tag line for this blog.  That is what I am getting to do on this short three day break from my normal daily routine.

I hope this has maybe inspired some of you to take some time to spend time with your family building relationships, filling yourself up, and finding time to have fun doing what you enjoy.

Comment below on what you do to get filled up and what you like to do for fun.

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