True North

My dad was always great at directions. No matter where we were, he would always know which direction north was and from that, he could figure out where he was. I have yet to figure out how he did that. Maybe it was the many years of working as a land surveyor, or maybe he had a pocket compass that nobody knew about. It was a great gift, though. Even when we would be lost and have no idea how to get where we needed to go, he could always get us there because of his incredible sense of direction.

I have a decent sense of direction, but not nearly like my dad. I can generally get where I need to go without the aid of Google maps or Siri. I have a general idea of which direction I need to go, but sometimes I need a little help and I am very thankful those tools are there. But, even the best compass, map, or smart phone is worthless, if we don’t know where we want to go.

As we kick off the new year, it is important to know where you want to go. What are your goals for the year? What are your goals for the month? What are your goals for today? Even more important than that, what is the foundation you are building on? Do you know where your True North is? As we navigate life, inevitably we will get a little lost. It is easy to get off track. When you have a solid foundation and you know your True North, it is much easier to get back in the right direction. Sometimes I need a little help from my friends, but even that help needs to be consistent with our compass.

I know I’ve used this scripture a lot, lately, but it really is the True North for our lives. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness.” That is our True North. That is the foundation we need to build from.

As we set our goals for the year, month, or even today, what direction are we going? When we seek God first, we are never lost.

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2 thoughts on “True North

  1. Thank you for the reminder. I also use that scripture a lot. Just the other day I was “talking” with someone about marriage and used this scripture. In our marriage, if we both draw closer to God we will draw closer to each other. By seeking God’s kingdom we will be in alignment with what is right for our lives, our true north.

    1. The more I think about that verse and I read through scripture with that thought in mind, I am realizing that much of the scripture seems to be reinforcing that thought. Seek God and His righteousness and nothing else really seems to matter.

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