Our world is full of great people. People that consistently give of themselves to support and help others. Sometimes it is easy to focus our attention on the bad things going on. You know how that can be. The one kid that is getting in trouble often draws attention away from the kids that stay out of trouble. The focus is often on the part of our world that is in trouble and we loose sight of all of the people that are out doing good.
But what am I doing? As we get busier and busier in life and our world seems to move faster every day, I stop and think about what I am doing. We were talking about this at work one afternoon and one of our doctors asked a question that has made me think. With all of the opportunities to serve that are available, it is easy to step in and volunteer for a few hours and then go on with our lives. His question to us was “Are we doing enough to make a difference or are we doing just enough to make us feel good?”
I think far too often we do good just to check that box off of our “I’m a good person” list. We like the way it makes us feel. But are we really invested into making a long term difference? I sometimes hear the phrase “a little bit is better than none.” But is it really?
In some cases, yes, without a doubt, a little is better than none. But in many cases, doing just a little creates a bigger problem than before. Many times I hear people (like me) use that phrase that a little is better than nothing to justify my minimalistic actions. My little bit was enough to make me feel good, but not really enough to make a difference. They say “thank you!” I respond with “It’s the least I could do”, of course meaning I have thought about it and if I could have gotten by with doing less, I would have.
So as I go though these next Six and a Half Days, what am I going to do to make a difference? Will it be just enough to make me feel good, or will it be enough to make a difference?