Life, Changes and Marshmallows

It’s December and it’s finally cold. I enjoy cold weather, but I do live in the south for a reason. I like that it is in the 30’s today and the 60’s tomorrow. I like going someplace to be in the snow, and then getting to go back home and get outside in my shorts and t-shirt. You never know what the weather is going to do here, just like you never know where life is going to lead you.

I grew up in a colder part of the world. I enjoyed playing in the snow. I remember playing outside until I was so frozen I could hardly move and when I came inside to the warm, it actually hurt. I loved the snow and the ice. Building snow forts and snowmen. Sliding down the icy driveway. I even miss shoveling the snow. But, I enjoy not having to shovel the snow now and driving safely to work without the icy roads.

When I was younger, I never thought I would leave Kansas, especially to move to Texas. My kids have the same thoughts now about our hometown. It’s funny how often the things we say we will never do are the very things we end up doing… and liking it.

The cold is nice, but I’m glad it is only here for a short time. We will put a fire in the fireplace, and probably roast a few marshmallows in the fireplace tonight, and get back outside tomorrow. It is easy for me to get bogged down in work, both my job and at home, and forget to have fun. As my kids get older, I sometimes think about all the things I wish I had done with them, but haven’t, yet. Life isn’t like I thought it would be, especially this year, but it has been nice. There have been many good things this year and many good experiences with my kids over the years. We can choose to focus on all the things that didn’t go the way we wanted them to, or just grab some marshmallows and roast them in the fire before the cold is gone.

As we come to the end of the year, it is a great time to set some goals, get out the calendars and decide how you are going to live life next year. Or just the next six and a half days for starters.

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