Celebration Day

I am sure as you have gone through this week you have faced many challenges and temptations. Some of you may have given in to the temptations and some have reigned victorious in their quest. The truth is, whether you completed your fast or not is not the most important thing. The more important thing is did you grow in your relationship with God? Were you able to put aside the distractions and spend time focusing on Jesus in prayer and spend more time in His word?

Today is Good Friday. The day we remember the crucifixion and death of our savior, Jesus Christ. Traditionally, today is a day of mourning and somber spirits. A day of reflection and sorrow. On the day of crucifixion, it was a day of deep sorrow for those close to Jesus and all of his followers. For his disciples, it was hard to understand how this man that performed many miracles could allow himself to be put to death. He is the son of God. And just as importantly to them, he had become their mentor and dear friend. They had spent every day together. I know some have recently lost loved ones and you know that empty feeling inside. “Now what do I do?”

For us today, we know the rest of the story. Today is a day of celebration. A day to remember the sacrifice that was made so that we can have an abundant life. We can truly live. We serve a living God, a Savior that has conquered death. Without the cross there would be no resurrection. This is indeed a day to celebrate.

Today’s Readings:

Matthew 26: 57-75

Matthew 27

Isaiah 53

Psalm 22: 1-5

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