What’s Next

Last week was a great time to reset. I’m finishing up a couple of projects this week and working on something new to share with you next week. I hope you had a great time with family and friends yesterday as we celebrated this resurrection day.

As spring is now in full swing (along with my allergies) and we move into April, It is a great time to put some new life into your life. It is sometimes easy for me to focus on all the things that I need to do and get so overwhelmed that I don’t do anything. I ask myself every day, “What’s next?” Not what is the next project, or next on my calendar, but what is the next step I need to take to continue working to accomplish my goals and get through my task list. When I don’t do this, it is easy for me to get overwhelmed and shut down. But when I ask, “What’s next?” consistently every day (and sometimes multiple times a day) it helps me to stay focused and move forward. Those are the days that I get things done.

As you start your April, “What’s next?” What do you need to do next to move down your path? Sometimes it just takes completing one small task to begin that journey down the path of victory over your hurdle. Most of the time it is as simple as changing the things we say and our thought process. It is perhaps the most difficult thing to do.

I am looking forward to getting a few projects completed this week, getting a short break, seeing what God is doing in me, and hearing from you on how God is working in you this week.

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