A Display of Tools

Some days it just seems nothing seems to go my way. I’m sure you have days and weeks like that, as well. Mistakes that lead to unexpected expenses. The car needs an unexpected repair. The air conditioning goes out at the house. The kids come home from school and “Oh, I need $200 for school tomorrow.” And it sometimes seems like it all happens at the same time. It can be very overwhelming as the stress starts to build and I try to figure out how I am going to make all this happen.

These are the times that God reminds me that I am not in control. One of the biggest challenges of my faith comes from finances. When I was single and on my own, finances were not much of a concern. If I made a mistake or made a purchase that was more than I should have spent, I was the one to pay for it. I could go without some things or work a little extra and get through it. Now, as a father and husband, if I make a mistake or we have unexpected expenses, it is more difficult. I can go without, but it is hard for me to tell my wife and kids they can’t do something because of something they have no control over. I can work extra, but then that takes time away from my family, and my family time is worth more than the money.

When I stop and spend time with God, and trust God fully with my finances, everything always works out. When I stop trying to figure it out for myself and trust God, he always provides. God is always in control.

The times that I find myself most frustrated about finances are when I am not able to do some of the things that I want to do or purchase something that I want to purchase. Whenever I start to focus on my finances and building my kingdom, that seems to be when most of these unexpected things happen. That is exactly what Jesus says will happen.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.”
Matthew 6:19

When my focus is not on building the kingdom of God and shifts to building my own kingdom, unexpected things start to happen. God reminds me that he is in control.

“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
Matthew 6:20

When my focus is right and I am building the kingdom of God, unexpected things start to happen and God reminds me that he is in control. He will always provide everything that I need when I need it. It isn’t necessarily that life gets easier. Things break at the most inconvenient times. I still make costly mistakes. Unexpected expenses still come up. It is not that life gets less expensive, but that I know God is in control. God does indeed provide all that I need.

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21

Whatever I focus on is a representation of where my heart is. When my focus is on purchasing stuff for me or doing things that will make me look good and draw attention to myself, it is a demonstration of whose kingdom I am trying to build. It is not wrong to have nice things. But the question is our motivation for having the nice things. Whose kingdom am I building? Are the resources I have for display only, or are they tools to be used for the glory of God? Where is your heart?

Our lives are always on display, like it or not. As Christians, we are supposed to be role models. What do people see when they look at my life? Do they see a lot of tools on display for everyone to see, or do they see a construction site, building the kingdom of heaven?

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