Healthy Start

Sometimes our weeks get pretty crazy.  As a dad and husband with a full time job and other ministry tasks, it is easy to put off taking care of me in an effort to get everything else done.  My wife and I are both busy, just like everyone else.  There never seems to be enough time to get everything done on our “to do” list and often the first thing that gets bumped is taking care of us.  “I’ll do it tomorrow” is often said and that never really works.  Over the years, that adds up.  One day you find yourself overweight, out of shape, and unhealthy.

My wife and I were both in pretty good shape when we were younger.  She ran track and marched in band.  I played soccer and ran cross country.  A three mile run was easy for me and I often ran five or six miles… just for fun.  When I moved to Houston, I stayed active and in decent physical shape by running, playing basketball, volleyball, and whatever else came up.  That has all changed.  Now we both find ourselves very out of shape from all those “I’ll do it tomorrow”s.

Being busy should be a great reason to be healthy instead of an excuse to put it off.  Getting back into better physical condition and being healthy will give me more energy to do the things I do.  I also believe that as the husband and father, it is my obligation to lead by example.  I sometimes see my kids putting in a minimal amount of effort in their endeavors and can’t help but think they get some of that by modeling my actions.  After all, not being in shape really comes down to a lack of self discipline.

Living life every day is what this blog is about.  Not just our spiritual journey, but our physical journey as well.

See you on the jogging trail… I’ll be the one sitting on the bench eating my burger and fries.


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