The Hobbies of a Dad

Being a father of four active kids is busy.  I love every minute of it, but sometimes I long for some quiet time to think.  I have hobbies that I enjoy, at least I did at one time.  It has been so long since I’ve had the time to do any of them, I don’t really remember what those hobbies were.

We recently took a family trip and spent the week at Disney World.  We had a great time standing in the long lines in 96 degree weather.  But the 45 second ride was totally worth the 90 minute wait (I refuse to wait more than an hour and a half for any ride.)  Disney World is a great place to observe people.  You get to see people from all around the world in the “happiest place on earth”.  I’m sure there will be more posts on that in the future.


We have taken many trips together as a family, but something about this trip caught my attention.  Maybe the kids are older.  Maybe it is the changes in my life over the last few months, but there is one thing that I observed through the week that really caught my attention.


I enjoy the rides and eating and even meeting the characters.  I love photography and there is a lot to photograph at Disney World.  Street photography.  Nature photography.  Architectural photography.  Even a little portrait photography with my family.  But through the week, the one thing that I discovered (besides the fact that I need help with my photography) is that I have a new hobby.  My new hobby is watching my kids experience new things, overcome fears, develop their own hobbies and reach new accomplishments.  The four days in the parks and the four days
in the van traveling gave me a new perspective on being a dad and changing my focus a little.


It is easy to get focused on me and what I want to do.  Yes, sometimes I get a little frustrated by the lack of time and money left for me to enjoy, but when I see my kids overcome fears and experience new things; when I see my kids getting excited about life and reaching new goals, that frustration goes away and I get excited about my new hobby.  Living life every day watching my kids live life every day.


What are your hobbies and how do you fit it into your family life?
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