New Year, New Goals

The holiday season is almost behind us.  Christmas is always a good time with family.  The New Year is always a time to look at the last year and make plans for the new year.  As I sat down to set goals for the new year, I started my long, usual list of goals that includes health (physical and spiritual), financial, home repairs/remodeling, vacation plans, and goals for the kids.  I include books I want to read, events I want to attend, and all the regular stuff.

As I sat and reviewed my goals it dawned on me that all of my goals center around me.  I have no goals for serving others.  I do those things as they come up, but I have never really set goals for serving others.  Of all the goals I could set, that is probably the most important one.  What am I going to do this year to serve someone else?

As you look at your plans for the new year, take some time to think about and plan how you are going to get out of your house and make someone else’s life a little better.

Comment below with your ideas on how you plan to serve others this year.

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